Published peer-reviewed articles

  1. West, C. & Whillans, A.V. (2022). Alleviating Time Poverty Among the Working Poor: A Pre-registered Longitudinal Field Experiment. Nature Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 1-17.

  2. Giurge, L., Whillans, A.V., & West C. (2020). Why Time Poverty Matters for Individuals, Organisations, and Nations. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 1-11.

  3. West, C., Mogilner, C., DeVoe, S.E. (2020). Happiness from Treating a Weekend Like a Vacation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(3), 346-356. Supplemental Materials.

  4. West, C. and Zhong, C.B. (2019). How to Decide When Facing Ethical Conflicts of Interest?. Organizational Dynamics, 49(1).

  5. West, C. and Zhong, C.B. (2015). Moral Cleansing. Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, 221-225.


Windfalls of Time and Money: Effects on Wellbeing and Decision-Making

Working papers

  1. West, C. & Whillans. (in press). Don’t Waste Recipients’ Time: How to Save and Give Time in Cash Transfer Programs. In forthcoming book: Using Cash Transfers to Build an Inclusive Society: A Behaviorally-Informed Approach.

  2. Bogard, J., West, C., & Fox, C. (under peer review). Common Depictions of Economic Inequality Evoke Biased Impressions. Nature Communications

  3. West, C. Ulkumen G., Arundel, P. , & Fox, C. (working paper). The Choice Architecture of Personal Budgeting Tools: Deconstructing the Effects of Budget Partitioning.

  4. West, C. & DeVoe, S.E. (working paper). Income Volatility Increases Financial Impatience.

Selected work in progress

  1. How micro-entrepreneurs use windfalls of cash versus time (with Ashley Whillans & Sanford DeVoe)

  2. Option grouping in judgment and decision-making: a review of option partitioning as a fundamental tool of choice architecture (with Craig Fox, Jon Bogard, & Patrycja Arundel)

  3. Effect of ‘sludge’ on investment decision-making (with Dilip Soman, Sabine Kröger, Catherine Yeung, & Min Zhao)